Friday, April 13, 2007

Running After the Bandwagon Yelling "HAAAAY!"

I'm trying to curb my compulsive deleting habit by being careful about what I write. It's terribly difficult. I've been keeping an eye out for blogs written by grad and Ph.D. students only to find out that they've elevated blogging to an art. That's my "Oh no! I will be in grad school this fall and everyone will be smarter than meeeee" paranoia acting up.

Then, I received this email from Creative Time. There was no way I wasn't going to make some kind of public announcement.

Adrian Piper and Javier Téllez performances require hundreds of volunteers

Adrian Piper, Everything Will be Taken Away #10

This philosophical duration performance invites hundreds of volunteers to apply a henna tattoo to their foreheads bearing the title text and to keep a journal of their experiences. Written in reverse, the message is readable when seen through the reflection of a mirror—and lasts about 2 weeks. The henna will be applied on May 1 & 2 (Location to be announced).

Javier Tellez, This is Tomorrow

Hundreds of toy robots will march in a block-long street protest carrying placards written by mental health patients, commenting on institutional dynamics and borderline behavior. We’ll need volunteers for each couple of robots. Join the fun! (Date and location TBA)


Are you kidding me? I have always wanted to do something like this. It's right up there with my fantasy of being on vacation and having someone randomly ask me if I wanted to be an extra in an epic movie. That's my ass in the bottom left-hand corner. Well, no it isn't, but HA HA made you look.

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